Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The "E"-Force: 'E' is for Equalizing

Also: The "E-relevant". That context of seeming non-involved irrelevancy surrounding the main interacting forces in any activity whatsoever, which, normally goes unnoticed by the ordinary observers of and participants in said activity. It is the circumscribing boundary wherein yin and yang conduct their drama; the arena constraining, yet supporting the gladiator's combat; the cinemascreen upon which the crash, dash and splendor of phenomena leap forth into life...and without which all forces would be a mere freeze-frame tableau. Gurdjieff called it the Holy Reconciling; the equalizing force between the Holy Affirming and the Holy Denying. Jan Cox tagged the trio: "C-" (constructive), "D-" (destructive) and "E- (E-relevant)" forces.

To become ever-cognizant of the E-force, the indifferent, yet in-forming, catalyzing participant in everything, is to capture an inchoate potential, the latent possibility, of Real Understanding. It's hard work. Just try keeping continually in mind: the movie screen, the overall theater environment and the feeling of your butt and back pressed into your seat, all while missing nothing of the car chases and thunderous explosions of the shoot-'em-up you're watching. Or, try to find its presence when next you have a fight with your spouse, or get bawled out by your boss. Yes, hard work. But you'll never forget the exhilarating taste of it if and when you can do it.

Additional insights at JanCox.com

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