Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I + Not-I = Everything

Equation created by Jan Cox.

Corollary: The Universe is Big Enough for Everybody. We've all heard, at one time or another, "This town ain't big enough for both of us." Well, not so the Universe. The World makes room for everybody's opinions and behavior whether you like 'em or not. That should give you a clue that: There's nothing wrong on this earth...you just THINK that there is! What you don't like (the "Not-I") DEFINES YOU, not the other way around; i.e., "I = Everything minus Not-I". It follows then, that as "Not-I" approaches zero (i.e., the less you don't like), "I" approachs "Everything", which is what everybody is after, one way or another in this life, for then "I = Everything" and what's not to like?

A partial, imperfect, reflection of this subtle truth is articulated in the adage "One man's trash is another man's treasure", and "One man's poison is another man's meat.". More: "Truth is the shattered mirror strewn in myriad bits, and each believes in his little bit, the whole to own."

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