Problems, unless due to a physical chemical imbalance (i.e., physical illness) are hierarchical position problems. No exceptions. Depression is a chemical imbalance. Note the nondescript character of the limbic versus the cerebral systems. What if the limbic/emotional is developed exclusively for the processing of hierarchical position problems? This is not a province for the Neural Revolutionary; it is unfitting for a NR to care about pack position.
The ordinary treat problems by denial, a lessening, a withdrawal of consciousness of the problem (e.g., taking a drink to escape); this too is unfitting conduct for the NR. Such withdrawal of consciousness is a form of chemical self-protection for the ordinary. The so-called answers to problems require a price no one can pay: giving up a part of themselves, the part which is affected by the solution. Connected with this: any dream you can specifically formulate (put into words) can not come true; it will not have the specific experiential taste you anticipated.
Absolutely forget every definitively imagined solution you've ever come up with for your problems. Consider: something introduced by Jan ( in the fits and starts common to his method) which you gained some significant insight from, and when later enlarged upon turns out to be opposite from your insight, makes your insight wrong--yet nevertheless the original insight (still 'wrong') benefit continues! This is a commingling of contrast which yields a super-fund of new data. When some problem between two in the Group results in Jan becoming involved as the third member with a mandated solution--if the problem resurfaces, it's your fault in a willful manner.
Time/consciousness contrast. If consciousness is slow relative to time flow, then time seems too quick; not enough time to deal with problems. If consciousness is quick relative to time flow of events, then time slows, becomes adequate to manage problems. Quick consciousness = dominant force. Slow consc. = submissive force. The lessening, withholding of consciousness = submission; submission is the slowing down of consciousness.
Despite the fact that in every instant case the dominant, quicker force triumphs, ultimate victory belongs to the slower/submissive force in the 4-d view.
In the social structure of humanity (lower, middle, upper) it is only the adjacent levels that try to impress/dominate each other. The extremes never even attempt it. The bourgeoisie/middleclass attempts to imitate the upper and dominate--force submission--on the lower in order to enhance their sensation of upward mobility in the hierarchy. Consider the internal use of this; the king (higher understanding) ignores the commoners (the ordinary, oblivious neural functioning).