Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summary of Talk given by Jan Cox on 1/4/1988

Problems, unless due to a physical chemical imbalance (i.e., physical illness) are hierarchical position problems. No exceptions. Depression is a chemical imbalance. Note the nondescript character of the limbic versus the cerebral systems. What if the limbic/emotional is developed exclusively for the processing of hierarchical position problems? This is not a province for the Neural Revolutionary; it is unfitting for a NR to care about pack position. 

The ordinary treat problems by denial, a lessening, a withdrawal of consciousness of the problem (e.g., taking a drink to escape); this too is unfitting conduct for the NR. Such withdrawal of consciousness is a form of chemical self-protection for the ordinary. The so-called answers to problems require a price no one can pay: giving up a part of themselves, the part which is affected by the solution. Connected with this: any dream you can specifically formulate (put into words) can not come true; it will not have the specific experiential taste you anticipated. 

Absolutely forget every definitively imagined solution you've ever come up with for your problems. Consider: something introduced by Jan ( in the fits and starts common to his method) which you gained some significant insight from, and when later enlarged upon turns out to be opposite from your insight, makes your insight wrong--yet nevertheless the original insight (still 'wrong') benefit continues! This is a commingling of contrast which yields a super-fund of new data. When some problem between two in the Group results in Jan becoming involved as the third member with a mandated solution--if the problem resurfaces, it's your fault in a willful manner.

Time/consciousness contrast. If consciousness is slow relative to time flow, then time seems too quick; not enough time to deal with problems. If consciousness is quick relative to time flow of events, then time slows, becomes adequate to manage problems. Quick consciousness = dominant force. Slow consc. = submissive force. The lessening, withholding of consciousness = submission; submission is the slowing down of consciousness. 

Despite the fact that in every instant case the dominant, quicker force triumphs, ultimate victory belongs to the slower/submissive force in the 4-d view. 

In the social structure of humanity (lower, middle, upper) it is only the adjacent levels that try to impress/dominate each other. The extremes never even attempt it. The bourgeoisie/middleclass attempts to imitate the upper and dominate--force submission--on the lower in order to enhance their sensation of upward mobility in the hierarchy. Consider the internal use of this; the king (higher understanding) ignores the commoners (the ordinary, oblivious neural functioning).

Thursday, May 14, 2009

God/Religion and the Dominant/Submissive Dance

[A thumbnail sketch of a talk given by Jan Cox, 1/28/1988]

God/religion is the ultimate dominating agent. Men are dying to submit, even to the extent of not needing positive proof of God's existence. Ordinary consciousness takes love to be a 'thing' which has been improperly used. But love is behavior, not a thing. Love is cellular-level behavior, functioning at the efficiency needed by Life right now.  All “dissatisfaction” is a crying out for love. Whatever is held admirable and noble, divine, by Life is by definition unattainable. All definitive dreams are ipso facto unachievable. 

“To err is human”: human foibles/flaws are the primary flow system/mechanism for energy movement in humanity; without the ordinary feeling in men of incompleteness, of falling short of the mark, civilization would be impossible.

Any form of criticism = hostility.  Hostility is an absolute block to New Information.  Hostility is a response to your own limits, thus you cannot see beyond them— cannot see/hear what any situation says to you. 

To be truly rich is to not care about it.  The Neural Revolutionary has got to be so rich in New Information as to have no care about his ordinary self. Don't try to be anything; don't tell yourself what you think you are.  If you do, you immediately preclude learning anything extraordinary.  You’re stuck fighting the “tar baby”.

A Real Hobby is the enjoyment of a favored activity without the need of an audience.  Private enjoyment.  Everything else is a cry: “Look at me!” and unworthy of a Neural Revolutionist.

A way around the Ruling Powers of Ordinary Consciousness: don't talk to yourself about what you are doing (remember, consciousness is the last to know).  Consider: what is the use of talking to yourself at all? Who is talking to who?  Don't respond to your internal voices; nothing fruitful happens when you tell yourself what you're doing.  In this regard, note the continuing existence/success of diet books and self-help books/tapes in mundane life. This is proof-positive they're failures; they can’t work. If they worked, they would soon have no market to sell to.  They are a form of Life's talking to Itself and accomplishing nothing. The first real taste of strength/power comes in being able to not talk to yourself.

“Wants” per se aren't bad, but you must understand the basis of them: they are useless for The Neural Revolution.  Remember: ‘wants’ are Life-dictated, and in accord with Life’s agenda, which makes no provision for Extraordinary Neural Effort/Vision.


Saturday, May 9, 2009


[Summary of a talk given by Jan Cox on 11/04/1988] 

Only humans have a sense of time external to themselves.  Lower animals and all rhythmic inorganic matter have a sense of time that is inherent—based on rhythm and inseparable from its own physical being.  Man experiences a gap, a lag between what he thinks and what he does; between planning and action.  The whole 3-d world is based on and would collapse without time.  At a lower level men have an inherent, non-verbal sense of time but it is overridden by the intellectual sense of time.  There is no division between “in-here” and “out-there” except in Life’s need to have men perceive such a gap.  Time is a party to this perceived gap, but it’s never seen as such; never seen as external, though always acted upon as if independent and external in all human activity.  The non-verbal, inherent sense of time is felt as “you”.  It is a rhythm based in the genes and it can be out of synch with the intellectual sense of time, giving rise to felt-emotions of foreboding, feeling “out of sorts” etc.  To understand the conflict between these two senses of time relieves a Neural Revolutionist of much confusion suffered by the ordinary.


When anything makes “perfect sense” it can then move to a new level (can, not will), where it then makes no sense whatever.  This is why nobody can agree on “the truth”—it seems to change.  A new idea is at first, to everybody, nonsense.  The unknown always sounds at first like untruth; it must be in conflict with the already believed (i.e., what makes perfect sense) to be new at all.  The new idea is a force that acts to deform the status quo of the nervous system, within the degree allowed by the limits of its elasticity.  Eventually however, it must “snapback” to its original shape.  The elasticity of the intellect is the potential for people to change or else they would not even believe in change.  The elastic limits must be very narrow however or one’s field of expertise will not make perfect sense.  The expert who radically shifts to conflicting beliefs is not taken seriously anymore.


It is almost impossible to learn, feel or do anything new in ordinary life.  If it were possible then everybody would learn something, shift to a new level and then know nothing again.  Life cannot grow on such terms.  When the elasticity of a body has been exceeded it is useless then to its former level.  In the case of the intellect it is insanity; to the Neural Revolutionist it is relief and possibility.


Although believed to the contrary by the ordinary, it is impossible to learn from your mistakes.  The importance of this for the Neural Revolutionist: he must be able to learn not only from his mistakes but from everyone else’s as well.  There is not enough time in one lifetime for all possible human mistakes to flow through you.



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Here's a summary of a talk given by Jan Cox on July 2, 1987:

Ordinary men accept Life as something other than themselves; not so the Neural Revolutionary. The ordinary equation: I + my problems = my life, gives a great stability and resistance to change in Life along with the illusion that the opposite is the case. A Neural Revolutionary would have almost nothing to say about his problems. He sees comprehensively, in a unified way, that problems and self are not separate. The ordinary fight their problems and consider that fight to be change. The I + not-I equation is obvious to the ordinary like A=A and B=B; whereas the Neural Revolutionary sees instead A=B and B=A. An example is the reality behind the word 'love'; for in spite of all 3-dimensional logic and reality to the contrary, love still exists.


This from the Neural Revolutionary Handbook: Ordinarily, the crude and ignorant make the best tyrants. An extraordinary tyrant would be educated, sophisticated and cultured, yet capable of dealing with the populace as if on their level. Consider the possible use of this fact in your own internal dialogue. The two dialogue partners speak the same language--the would-be controller voice uses the same crude language level as the controlled voice. But what if a 'ringer' could be inserted--an extraordinary tyrant, who could effect change?


The Real Neural Revolution is against ordinary consciousness. And it should be rebelled against because ordinary consciousness is unable to think of more than one thing at a time. It takes “either/or” alternatives as a capacity to think of two things at once. But it is not so. Neuralization (Neural + Neutral mental exploration)  is the attempt to think two things at once. 4-D consciousness is the seeing of concurrent pluralities of things and processes without the either/or binary limitation; this is the consciousness of time as a dimension; the seeing of time as a consistent, usable profitable dimension unrelated to ideas of past-present-future seeing; time is an absolute indivisible presence. Time in the absolute sense is feared by man. e.g., "given enough time I'll be dead". Those of Extraordinary Conscious Effort need to seek to see time-as-dimension; strain to acquire 4-D sight. Realize that ordinary consciousness is the supreme ability to keep Reality from all running together; to slicing it up into manageable, conforming-to-a-limited world view understanding.